Monday, June 25, 2012

Floral Board

-Any size or shape wood board
-White primer (spray or paint)
-leaves or fake vines 
-hot glue
-sand paper
-mounting supplies

I was looking through my garage and found a lot of blank wood boards. This is what I did with one of them!

1. Sand wood, if needed
2. Prime board using a spray primer or liquid. For this wood the spray primer just soaked into the wood. I purfer a liquid primer anyways. For the price you get more. I used the small can of BullsEye primer. $6.00 at Lowes. I didn't worry about high hiding the wood since I planned on sanding it down.

3. After primer has dried, lightly sand board to give old warn look
In another searching adventure in my garage I found a string or I guess a vine of leaves and flowers
4. I cut all the leaves and flowers from the vines, saving all the pieces. 

5. Starting off with the vines I first laid them down to see how I wanted to glue them

6. Using hot glue I glued everything down.

7. I continued gluing all the pieces to how I thought looked good.
8. I bought a mounting kit at Lowes and follow instructions. $4.00

1 comment:

  1. This is lovely! You are a master artiste... Doing this on the fly is proof.
